The Downside of Sobriety: The 6 Things No One Tells You Might Happen If You Quit Drinking

Read on to learn more about how it feels to get sober and how you can achieve sobriety. Taking steps towards an alcohol-free life is a decision you willl NEVER regret. If you are not already alcohol-free, congratulations on considering this lifestyle and reading this page! For anyone who has used alcohol to excess really, there can be some common… Remember and use your tools that you have already used to win over these feelings. As you are thinking about what is so bad about being sober, or more to the point, what would be so good about being drunk, have a think about what train of thought led you to this point.

being sober sucks

Recovery Connection

Facing challenges that an alcohol-free life can throw at you. Dreams, as we know, can get pretty intense when we ditch the booze. When we are going through recovery, the question of if being sober sucks is quite a common thought, and it is quite a dangerous thought. Alcohol and drugs are terrible for your immune system. When you don’t put anything unhealthy into your body, you won’t be so vulnerable to colds and stomach bugs.

  • Or the newcomer has unrealistic expectations and judges others unfairly.
  • However, you may still feel sad or overwhelmed at times.
  • It’s part of the sobriety package, and it’s not necessarily a bad thing.
  • What I wasn’t expecting was other people reaching out to me because they didn’t have anyone else they knew.
  • No matter what happened yesterday or even five minutes ago, you can choose to be patient with yourself, reassess, and pivot as needed.

Zopiclone and Quitting Alcohol – Everything You Need To Know

Getting and staying sober can change the way you look at yourself. You won’t have to think about yourself as a person with no self-control or someone who says stupid things when drunk. You’ll also build your self-esteem by sticking with your decision to stay sober. It’s hard to overstate the importance of good sleep.

  • It’s impossible to know how you’ll react and how your life will change when getting and staying sober.
  • You can feel more confident in your ability to maintain your recovery.
  • Drunk me didn’t have to worry if I was alone at a party because drunk me didn’t abide such things.
  • Ask for extra hours at work if you’re having a hard time with roommates.
  • When you’re in early recovery, even good days can be tough.

What does getting sober feel like?

  • You may experience uncomfortable and even painful withdrawal symptoms while you get sober.
  • Even though breakups, job losses, and an unexpected death of a friend or family member, can be devastating, they will all happen at some point.
  • You have to spend time acquiring your substance of choice, using it, and then recovering from its effects.

You can travel to different places, try new things, and just be present in your life – and that’s always more fulfilling than checking out with a drink. Also on Fox News, host Jesse Watters implied that President Joe Biden was a bad parent and that he, as a father, was to blame for Hunter Biden’s substance abuse problems. Shaming addicts and their families has long been a trope. But as we’ve learned more about substance abuse, we now know that the genetic predisposition can be hard or even impossible to fight. I for one truly believe I was born an alcoholic. My body just processed alcohol differently than my peers’ did.

being sober sucks

What type of void are we creating by leaving behind something that has been a long-standing part of our lives . Some studies find that this structure, along with a start date for sobriety and milestones, is important to some people in recovery. SELF does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Will I be happier if I stop drinking or using drugs?

You can feel more confident in your ability to maintain your recovery. One survey found that happiness and self-esteem were low during the first year of sobriety. This can being sober sucks be frustrating after you’ve worked so hard to get sober. During this time, it can help to get involved in positive sober activities and connect to your support system.

being sober sucks

Join Recovery Connection in celebrating your recovery with our sobriety calculator. I share my experience because I do not want others to be blindsided like I was. Sobriety is not all roses and reggae, after all, and those who are in a position to help, will always stress the indisputable fact that being clear-headed is better than being a drunk. Alcohol withdrawal delirium – Diagnosis, course and treatment.